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Monday Night Smackdown

**Eat Wattz**


***Now a Monday Night Slowdown ride available, similar route, slower pace. Roll out @6:30pm***

Save your excuses. It's all shut up and show up from here. Come serve yourself a heavy dose of #wattsonwattsonwatts. Meet at Adams Avenue Bicycles every Monday night. Google Map it. Meet and greet @ 6:30 Wheels down @ 6:45 PM

The route: CLICK HERE 

MNSD Strava Club
Monday Night Smackdown Facebook Page
Monday Night Smackdown Instagram  

We may add a Hill Challenge now and then.
Regroup locations: the top of Mission Gorge Rd at the gradient sign, at Summit Sign on the 52 bike-path for a group photo-op, and right after the Santo Rd bridge for the neutral sprint start.

Feel free to join and invite others.
This is not an organized or sanctioned group ride. You assume all responsibilities for anything that pertains to you on this ride so ride at your own risk. Bring appropriate cold weather attire, functional front and rear lights, a cO2 or small hand pump, spare tubes, water bottles, and whatever else you need. Use good judgment.  

Use the following hashtag to share photos from the ride: #mondaynightsmackdown

MNSD Team Kits


Passcode: "party"