About Adams Ave Bikes
Hi! We’re AAB. Established in 1978, but we like to think of ourselves as more than just a bike shop. Over the decades we've built a community and family around the love of riding. And riding can sometimes come with some big egos, so it's important to remind ourselves that bikes are supposed to be fun. Riding with friends is fun! Shredding trails is fun! Camping off your bike is fun! Winning races is fun! But winning the party is the funniest!
Everyone here has a story of how they joined the AAB family and has their own passion and connection to the sport. We really pride ourselves on our knowledge and attention to detail to ensure that you get the most from your bike. Safety and satisfaction (aside from fun) are top priorities for us to provide our customer. We won't let you ride off on a bike unless we've tested it ourselves and we only carry brands we use personally.
Being a small business we really stand behind the bikes we sell, our mechanics in the service department, and the brands we carry. We don't try to "sell you" on big box store gimmicks like "lowest price guaranteed." Come to think of it, we don't want to "sell you" at all. We're here to help you come to your own educated conclusion of what you want from YOUR bike and YOUR experience.
Okay, we're stepping down from our soapbox now :) See you at the shop!
Chuck Cofer
Nicknames: Tangamango
Origin: Austin, Texas
Position at Adams Ave Bikes: Owner, Mechanic
How did you start working at AAB?: I moved to San Diego in 2011 from Austin and knew I wanted to work in a shop. I walked into AAB and was hired as a mechanic, then in 2018 there was an opportunity to buy the shop so I took it and here we are.
How many bikes do you have?: 6 +1
Favorite Quote: "It's just a dirt trail in the woods" -Me
Favorite food, on or off the bike: Pizza or tacos or tacopizza
Hobbies (other than bikes): Motorcycles, camping, music, guitar
Pick our own bonus question: Greatest inspiration? My mom
Andrea Tobin
Nicknames: Gruggle (don't ask)
Origin: Alpine, California
Position at Adams Ave Bikes: Shop mom
How did you start working at AAB?: Funny story. I was a long time customer and friend of the shop, then I sort of fell for the owner :)
How many bikes do you have?: 4+1
Favorite Quote: "You only fail when you stop trying"
Favorite food, on or off the bike: Bread
Hobbies (other than bikes): Sewing and designing clothes
I also have a clothing line called Lynt that specializes in stylish active apparel.
Pick our own bonus question: Do you have any pets?
Why yes I do! Charlotte the cat, I got her in 2007 when she was just a baby kitten.

Jesse Salisbury
Nicknames: Pass
Origin: Grew up in the North West
Position at Adams Ave Bikes: Wrench, campout ride leader and route planner
How did you start working at AAB?: Met through riding bikes together and coming to the campouts
How many bikes do you have?: 1 bike to rule them all, mixed meats modern mullet
Favorite Quote: "Slow is smooth, smooth is fast"
Favorite food, on or off the bike: Noodles/pasta
Hobbies (other than bikes): Ski patrol, hiked the PCT, backcountry skiing, bat ambassador, certified crane operator
Pick our own bonus question:

Retired Employees
We understand everyone goes through different chapters in life but they will always be part of the Adam's Family :)
Robert Lagos
Nicknames: "Not any that are appropriate for work"
Origin: Newport and Palm Springs, CA
Position at Adams Ave Bikes: Wrench and comedian
How did you hear about AAB?: Been coming to this shop since the early 80s when I raced bikes
How many bikes do you have?: "assembled or unassembled?"
Favorite Quote: "I'm not really a famous quote kind of guy"
Favorite food, on or off the bike: Off: Thai, On: any gel with caffeine
Hobbies (other than bikes): Race motorcycles, restore vintage electric guitars
Martin Rodriguez
Nicknames: Sideshow Bob
Origin: San Diego, CA
Position at Adams Ave Bikes: Sales manager, Campout ride leader
How did you start working at AAB?:Customer turned employee when they realized half my paycheck would stay there anyways
How many bikes do you have?: 2 +1
I have two bikes, but they each count for three bikes each. Plus, a couple other frame projects.
Favorite Quote: "I will never say no to a beer. If I do, there's something seriously wrong with me" -Julie the shop intern
Favorite food, on or off the bike: Off the bike: Zarape's wasabi burrito, on the bike: tropical flavored Haribo gold bears. #TeamHaribo
Hobbies (other than bikes): Photography and frame building @cathod_mech
Pick our own bonus question: Favorite beer: free beer
Where are they now?
Martin is now living in Arizona
Walt Dubensky
Nicknames: J'Walt
Origin: San Diego, CA
Position at Adams Ave Bikes: Wrench
How did you start working at AAB?: I saw Chuck and the rest is history
How many bikes do you have?: Not enough +1
A Klein, a Unicycle, and many beateurbikes
Favorite Quote: None
Favorite food, on or off the bike: Peanut Butter
Hobbies (other than bikes): What's a hobby?
Pick our own bonus question: Who's your favorite rider:Andy Hampsten
Where are they now?
Walt now works for Tumbleweed in Idaho

Ian Whaley
Nicknames: Jan
Origin: Vista, CA
Position at Adams Ave Bikes: Mechanic/Service Manager
How did you start working at AAB?: I learned about AAB through former employee Taylor Warren when Chuck was buying the shop. Chuck and I had a quick sit down and I started the next week.
How many bikes do you have?: 6
Favorite Quote: “The Buddha, the Godhead, resides quite as comfortably in the gears of a cycle transmission as he does at the top of the mountain, or in the petals of a flower.”
-Robert Pirsing
Favorite food, on or off the bike: A good Veggie burrito
Hobbies (other than bikes): Surfing, skiing, and old 4x4s
Pick our own bonus question:
Where are they now?
Ian works in a custom furniture shop and runs his own finish carpentry business
Taylor Warren
Origin: Orlando, FL
Position at Adams Ave Bikes: Sales, Bike Fitter
How did you start working at AAB?:
How many bikes do you have?: 4 +
Favorite Quote:
Favorite food, on or off the bike:
Hobbies (other than bikes):
Pick our own bonus question:
Where are they now?
Traveling, Coaching, Racing

Molly Gabbard
Nicknames: Molzie and Mollz Ballz
Origin: Indiana
Position at Adams Ave Bikes: Cashier
How did you start working at AAB?: Josie (a friend of the shop) told me to apply. I wanted to learn more about bikes.
How many bikes do you have?: Not enough
Favorite Quote: “It’s time to break your master.” - a former mentor
Favorite food, on or off the bike: Tom Kha Soup
Hobbies (other than bikes): All things I do aside from making money
Pick our own bonus question: ???
Where are they now?
Molly is now in Web Development