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Winter Solstice Campout Dec 21st-23rd 2024

The Winter Solstice campout is part of our quarterly campout series that will coincide with the seasons, particularly the solstices and equinoxes. Each campout will be in a different location and somewhere along or close to the Stagecoach 400 route.  

This route will be an out and back from camp, driving there ahead of time, unless some people want to ride all the way there, it would probably be 2 days. We will be staying at Agua Caliente group site where there are plenty of amenities including:
Coin showers
Hot springs with mineral showers and a pool
Store with firewood and snacks (hours limited)

***We have AT&T and had little to no cell service there so be prepared***

***We reserved the group site that allows the first 10 vehicles free, $10 each after that and 50 people so please rsvp. There is a sign up sheet at the shop or you can give us a call to add you. We are also asking that everyone bring at least 1 bundle of wood per person***

We are also accepting donations to help pay for the campsite, anything helps.

We will bring some snacks and drinks but you will have to provide your own dinner, breakfast and probably lunch on Monday. There are several BBQs at the group site. 

The Route:
We want to try and roll out around 8:30am on Sunday morning. The drive out there is about two hours so and we are leaving from the shop on Saturday after we close the shop and hoping to get to camp by 7pm. If you want to head out there earlier, check in is at 2pm. Please just let us know. We have the campsite for Sunday night too and we are planning to stay the night and possibly hike on Monday. 

This is a truly beautiful route through the desert washes and temperatures can definitely vary between very cold and pretty warm. In actual degrees: Low of high 20s at night and maybe 60s-80s during the day. This is a 100% self-supported ride, you must have your own tools, tubes, food, water, etc... Be sure you and your bike are up to the task. This is a party pace, no drop ride, however it is your responsibility to keep up with the group's pace. Don't let the milage/elevation fool you, desert riding can be very slow and very taxing and we require at least 2.5" tubeless tires. If you've never ridden sand or washboards, don't let the campout be your first go at it, do a recon ride (see suggestion below). 

For complete route Click here

Recon/Practice ride in town: Proctor Valley Road usually has lots of good wash boards and some sand to practice on.
You can park at the Proctor Valley Road Trail

We might offer a shorter route, but it would just be an out and back, stay tuned 

Food and Beverage:
We will not be providing full meals, but will have a limited amount of food and beverages to share with the camp and we invite you to bring some of your camp favorites! Last year we all kinds of goodies including campfire cooked waffles! 

Shuttling Gear and Carpooling:
Since this is a drive to camp and ride we aren't offering gear shuttling. If you are looking to carpool please let us know if you have room in your car or if you need a ride. Most of you know each other but we can try to help link people up.

Highlights from the event...